Pierrette Wagner

Underwater photography is, for me, less artistry than it is bearing witness to nature’s miracles.  With each dive, I marvel anew at the colors and textures of the undersea world; both the tiniest details and the panoramic splendor.  Being able to capture some of these images has, over the years enhanced my passion for the sea.

I grew up on the shores of Long Island Sound, took up diving during college vacations, and became a resort diving instructor in the Cayman Islands after graduation.  What was meant to be a six-month postponement of my “real life” turned into a four-year career as a professional diver!  It was there, with the luxury of limitless underwater hours in a world-class dive destination, that I had the opportunity to learn photography.

I am no longer a professional diver, nor have I ever been a professional photographer, but I dive whenever I can, and taking pictures gives me a mission and a focus for diving.  It also lends an element of suspense and anticipation to every dive because, no matter how you might imagine a picture will come out, it is always a total, and occasionally a wonderful surprise!!!