Chase Your Dreams

A Festive Evening of Art, ideas, Culture and holiday shopping to support the Loft Artists Association in our mission to empower the community through art and discovery of positive messages of creative expression and opportunity.

thursday, december 9 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Dear Friend of the LAA,

For forty-four years, the LAA has provided creative art experiences and education for the community. As we continue to recover from the challenges of the pandemic, we reflect back on annual summer art classes that reached hundreds of children, eclectic Saturday drawing workshops for families, and galleries alive all year with thought provoking exhibits featuring high quality, dynamic and vibrant artwork.  Now as we look to a brighter future, the LAA is committed to continuing to serve its mission of providing these valuable educational and creative experiences for the community. However, rising costs and uncertainty about our ability to remain in Stamford’s South End present increasing difficulties. With the generous and essential support of new friends and committed donors, the LAA is poised to maintain its status as one of the city’s leading cultural institutions.

Please consider the benefits of ongoing art education for children, adults and families. Please consider a city with galleries exhibiting diverse and innovative artwork, free and open to the public. Please consider the cultural gift of a thriving community of practicing artists. All of this is possible through support of the Loft Artists Association. Thursday, December 9 from 6-8pm we will be hosting “Chase Your Dreams, Canvas, Culture and Conversation,” an opportunity to visit our galleries and studios, meet our artists, see some artwork, shop for holiday gifts and support our mission. 

Mark Macrides, Executive Director

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